
Ravers2Runners was founded in October 2019 by Jo Bryan-Smith of JBS Fitness - Joanna Get Fit?
On returning to Bristol from New Zealand, a trip where she started running more and raving a lot less, three friends got together and started a weekly run around Bristol Harbourside.
We're a group of runners who are also passionate about music, community, parties and raving but who choose to do it a little less often or not at all nowadays. We're all finding our in-life balance and new ways of getting high.
As well as running and raving, we also like helping others and we organise yearly fundraisers, or fund-ravers as we like to call them, to help various charities and causes. To find out more head to our FUNDRAVING page.
For regular updates please subscribe to our mailing list at the top of the website, and for any enquiries about joining our community then please get in touch.
A message from our founder and fearless leader Jo
It all started when I lived in New Zealand and signed up to do a half mazza (marathon) as part of a Triathlon team with some people I worked with. They were so supportive and made me commit. They helped me build up from a (struggling) 3k distance to 21k in a few months. Being a part of Challenge Wanaka was an incredible feeling and achievement for me, especially after having a close call with pneumonia the year before caused by burnout. After that, I just kept signing up for events.
Returning to Bristol in 2019 I had a couple of good friends, who didn’t know one another at the time, who wanted some motivation to exercise, to start running, so we started and more joined! We’re all ravers at heart, nothing overtakes passion for music, dancing and having those special moments, but finding that life balance is so important and it’s something we’re all striving for. It’s a journey, as is life, so let’s enjoy it together!
Jo Bryan-Smith